Telugu actress Rekha Boj has stirred controversy with a daring proclamation regarding the upcoming ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup 2023 final between India and Australia. Taking to the platform formerly known as Twitter, Rekha declared, ‘If India wins the World Cup, I will streak on Visakhapatnam beach.’
Her post has ignited a flurry of responses on social media, with netizens labeling it a ‘publicity stunt.’ Criticism includes comments such as ‘Shame on you’ and ‘It’s not our culture.’ Some draw parallels to a similar statement made by Poonam Pandey in 2011, dismissing it as a publicity move.
In response to the backlash, Rekha clarified that her primary intention was to express love and admiration for Team India, vehemently denying any personal motives. The actress, known for films like ‘Kalaya Tasmai Namah,’ ‘Mangalyam,’ and ‘Damini Villa,’ faces mixed reactions from the online community.
Meanwhile, the undefeated Indian Cricket Team, led by Rohit Sharma, is set to clash with Australia in the final on November 19 at the Narendra Modi Stadium, Ahmedabad. With a remarkable record of 10 consecutive wins, the team aims to replicate the 2011 victory on home soil. The high-profile match is anticipated to draw notable figures from the Indian film industry and the political arena.