On Thursday (August 8, 2024), within the Lok Sabha, Union Minority Minister Kiren Rijiju launched a modification invoice concerning the legal guidelines of the Waqf Board, proposing 40 main modifications.
Waqf Modification Invoice 2024: Union Minister Kiren Rijiju launched the Waqf Board Modification Invoice within the Lok Sabha on Thursday (August 8, 2024), after which he needed to face allegations
Waqf Board Invoice Modification: The Waqf Modification Invoice was launched within the Lok Sabha on Thursday (August 8). Union Parliamentary Affairs Minister and Minority Affairs Minister Kiren Rijiju answered the
Monsoon Session of Parliament: Union Minister Kiren Rijiju launched the Waqf Board Modification Invoice within the Lok Sabha on Thursday (August 8, 2024) and proposed to ship the invoice to